My 5-Step Guide for Negotiating a Raise

Written By:
Haley Sacks
(aka Mrs. Dow Jones)
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Negotiating is an art form. You don't just go in & ask for what you want — you have to warm your boss up & make sure you have a strong case. So, grab your matcha latte and let's dive into some tips to help you nail your next negotiation:

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First things first, do your homework! Check out sites like Glassdoor to see what others in your role are making. Knowledge is power, and those numbers will be your secret weapon.

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Time to flaunt those achievements! Did you close that new account? Surpass your KPI's this quarter? Highlight your wins, your boss moves, and all the ways you've been crushing it. Quantify your impact, because numbers speak louder than words.

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Picking the right moment to bring up a raise is KEY. Look for opportunities like performance reviews or after major wins. This gives you more leverage, and will give you a clear timeframe to negotiate moving forward.

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Sure, money talks, but so do perks and benefits. Don't forget to consider the whole package – think bonuses, extra vacation days, WFH days, or that corner office you've been eyeing.

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Keep track of your wins, your goals, and any promises made during the negotiation. Trust me, it'll come in handy later. We love a good paper trail!

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Be confident, be clear, and be ready to make your case. Practice your spiel in the mirror if you have to, but make sure you're ready to shine when the moment comes. Negotiation is like a game of chess – you gotta stay cool under pressure. Be open to compromise and keep the conversation flowing.

Remember, it's not personal, it's just business. And if they're not budging, time to move on!

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